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J â– I . *
T^HIS Work is intended to fumish the Student and Practitioner with an accurate view of the Anatomy of the Human Body, and more espe- cially the application of this science to Practical Sui^ery.
One of the chief objects of the Author has been, to induce the Student to apply his anatomical knowledge to the more practical points in Surgery, by introducing, in small type, under each subdivision of the work, such observa- tions as shew the necessity of an accurate knowledge of the part under examination.
Osteology. Much time and care have been devoted to this part of the work, the basis of anatomical knowledge. It contains a concise description of the anatomy of the bones, illustrated by numerous accurately-lettered engravings, shewing the various markings and processes on each bone. The attachments of each muscle are shewn in dotted lines (after the plan recently adopted by Mr. Holden), copied firom recent dissections. The articulations of each bone are shewn on a new plan ; and a method has been adopted, by which the hitherto complicated account of the development of the bones is made more simple.
The Ariieulations. In this section, the various structures forming the joints are described ; a classification of the joints is given ; and the anatomy of each carefuUy described : abundantly illustrated by engravings, all of which are taken from, or corrected by, recent dissections.
The Muscles and FoscUb. In this section, the muscles are described in groups, as in ordinary anatomical works. A series of illustrations, shewing the lines of incision necessary in the dissection of the muscles in each region, are introduced, and the muscles are shewn in fifty-two engravings. The Surgical Anatomy of the muscles in connection with fractures, of the tendons or muscles divided in operations, is also described and illustrated.
The Arteries, The course, relations, and Surgical Anatomy of each artery are described in this section, together with the anatomy of the regions con- taining the arteries more especially involved in sui^cal operations. This part of the work is illustrated by twenty-seven engravings.
The Veins are described as in ordinary anatomical works ; and illustrated by a series of engravings, shewing those in each region. The veins of the spine are described and illustrated from the well-known work of Breschet
The Lymphatics are described, and figured in a series of illustrations copied from the elaborate work of Mascagni.
The Nervous System and Organs of Sense. A concise and accurate descrip- tion of this important part of anatomy has been given, illustrated by seventy- two engravings, shewing the spinal cord and its membranes; the anatomy of the brain, in a series of sectional views; the origin, course, and distribution of the cranial, spinal, and sympathetic nerves ; and the anatomy of the oi^ns of sense.
The Viscera. A detailed description of this essential part of anatomy has been given, illustrated by fifty lai^e, accurately-lettered engravings.
Regional Anatomy. The anatomy of the perinaeum, of the i8chio-i!eetal r^ion, and of femoral and inguinal hemifle, is desoribed at tiie endl of the w(»rk ; the region of the neck, the axilla, the bend of the elbow, Scarpa^s triangle, and the popliteal space, in the section on the arteries; the laryngo- tracheal region, widi the anatomy of the trachea and larynx. The regions are illustrated by many engravings.
Microscopical Anatomy. A brief account of the microscopical anatomy of some of the tissues, and of the various organs, has also been introduced.
The Author gratefully acknowledges the great services he has derived, in the execution of this work, firom the assistance of lus friend, Dr. H.V. Carter, late Demonstrator of Anatomy at St. Oeoi^s Hospital. All the drawings from which the engravings were made, were executed by him. In the majo- rity of cases, they have been copied from, or corrected by, recent dissections, made jointly by the Author and Dr. Carter.
The Author has also to thank his friend, Mr. T. Holmes, for the able assistance afforded him in correcting the proof-sheets in their passage through the press.
The engravings have been executed by Messrs. Butterworth and Heath ; and the Author cannot omit thanking these gentlemen for the great care and fidelity displayed in their execution.
August, 1858.
Geoeral Properties of Bone . Chemical Composition of Bone Structure of Bone Form of Bones Veflsela of Bone Development of Bone . Growth of Bone . The Skeleton
PAOB. 1 1
2 2 3 3
4 4
General Characters of the Vertebr© . 5 CSuinicters of the Cervical Ydrtebrsd . 5 Atlas 6
Vertebra Prominens .... Characters of the Dorsal VertebrsD Peculiar Dorsal Vertebrae Characteni of the Lumbar Vertebrce . Structure of the Vertebrae . Development of the Vertebras
Atlas .
Aj[i8 .
7th Cervical
Lumbar Vertebrae Progress of Ossification in the Spine .
False Vertebrae 12
The Sacrum 12
The Coccyx 16
Development of the Coccyx .17
Of the Spine in genend . . .17
The Skull.
Bones of the Cranium .
Occipital Bone
Parietal Bones
Frontal Bone .
Temporal Bones
%>henoid Bone
Sphenoidal Spongy Bones
Ethmoid Bone ' .
Wormian Bones Bones of the Face
Nasal Bones .
Superior Maxillary Bones
Lachrymal Bones .
Malar Bones .
Palate Bones .
Inferior Turbinated Bones
Vomer ....
Lower Jaw . . . . Articulations of the Cranial Bones Sutures of the Skull
19 19 22 24 27 32 36 37 39 39 39 40 44 45 46 49 60 50 53 64
Vertex of the Skull . . . .55
Base of the Skull, Internal Surface . 66
Anterior Fossa . . . .65
Middle Fossa . . . .57
Posterior Fossa . . . .57
Base of Skull, External Surface . . 68
Lateral Regions of the Skull . .61
Temporal I<ossae 61
Zygomatic Fossae 62
Spheno-maxillary Fossae . . .62 Ajiterior Region of Skull . . . 62
Orbits 64
Nasal Fossae 65
Os Hyoides 67
The Thorax.
The Sternum 68
Development of the Sternum . 70
The Ribs 71
Peculiar Ribs 73
Costal Cartilages ..... 76
The Pelvis.
Os Innominatum 76
nium 76
Ischium 79
Pubes 80
Development of the Os Innominatum . 81 Boimdaries of Pelvis . . .82
Position of Pelvis 83
Axes of Pelvis 84
Differences between the Male and Fe- male Pelvis 84
The Upper Extremities. The Clavicle . . . . 84
The Scapula 86
Development of the Scapula . . 90
The Humerus 91
Development of the Humerus . 96
The Ulna 97
The Radius 100
The Hand 102
The Carpus 102
Bones of Upper Row . . . 103 Bones of Lower Row . . . 106
The Metacarpus 107
Peculiar Metacarpal Bones . . .108
Phalanges 109
Development of the Hand . . .110
The Lower Extremities.
The Femur Ill
Development of the Femur . . .116
The Leg 116
Patella 116
Tibia 116
Development of Tibia .... 120
Fibiila 120
Deyelopment of Fibula . . 122
The Foot 122
Tarsus 122
OsCalcis 122
Cuboid 124
Internal Cuneiform
Middle Cuneiform
External Cuneiform
Metatarsal Bones
Peculiar Metatarsal Bones
Development of the Foot
Sesamoid Bones .
125 127 127 126 128 129 129 130 130 131
The Articulations.
General Anatomy of the Joints . |
. 133 |
Cartilage . . . . |
. 133 |
Fibro-cartilage |
. 133 |
Ligament . . . . |
. 134 |
Synovial Membrane |
. 134 |
Forms of Articulation . |
. 135 |
Synarthrosis . . . . |
. 135 |
Amphiarthrosis |
. 136 |
Diarthrosis |
. 136 |
Movements of Joints |
. 138 |
Gliding Movement |
. 138 |
Angulur Movement |
. 138 |
Circumduction |
. 138 |
Rotation |
. 138 |
Artieulatians of the Trunk.
Articulations of the Vertebral Column . 138
Atlas with the Axis 141 Atlas with the Oc- cipital Bone . 143 Axis with the Oc- cipital Bone . 144 Temporo-maxillary Articulation . . 145 Articulation of the Ribs with the Yer-
tebrsB 147
Costo-vertebral . . .147
Costo-transverse .... 148 Costo-stemal Articulations . . 150
Costo-xiphoid Ligaments . . .151 Intercostal Articulations . . . 151 Ligaments of the Sternum . . 151
Articulation of the Pelvis with the
Spine . . 152 Sacrum and Ilium . 153 Sacrum and Ischium 154 Sacrum and Coccyx . 155
Inter>pubic 155
Artieulatians of the Upper Extremity,
Stemo-clavicular 156
Scapulo-davicular .... 158 Ligaments of the Scapula .159
Shoulder-joint 160
Elbow-joint 161
Radio-ulnar Articulation • . . 163
Wrist-joint 164
Articulations of the Carpus .166
Carpo-metacarpal Articiuations . .168 Metacarpo-phalangeal Articulations . 169 Articuliiion of the Phalanges . 170
ArticuUUicm qf the Lower Extrewwhf,
Hip-joint 170
Knee-joint 172
Articulations between the Tibia and
Fibula 176
Ankle-ioint 178
Articulations of the Tarsus . .180
Tarso-metatarsal Articulations . .183 Artictdations of the Metatarsus . .183 Metatarso-phalanseal Articulations . 184 Articulations of Uie Phalanges . 184
Muscles and Fasciae.
Creneral Anatomy of Muscles
of FasdsB
185 186
Subdivision into Groups . . 187
Epiaranidl Region,
Dissection 188
Fascia of Head, Occipito-frontalis . 188
Auricular Region,
Dissection 190
AttoUens Aurem, Attrahens Aurem . 190 Betrahens Aurem, Actions . . .191
Palpebral Region,
Dissection 191
Orbicularis Palpebrarum . . 191
Corrugator Supercilii . . . .191 Tensor Tarsi, Actions .... 192
Orbital Region,
Dissection 192
Levator Pidpebrse .... 192
Bectus Superior, Inferior and External
Recti 193
Superior Oblique 193
Inferior ObHque . . . . .194 Actions, Surgical Anatomy of . . 195
Nasal Region,
I^ramidalis Nasi 195
Levator Labii Superioris Aheque
Nasi 195
Dilator Naris, Anterior and Posterior . 195
Compressor Nasi 195
Narium Minor . . . 195
Depressor Al» Nasi .... 195
Actions 195
Superior MaxUlary Region,
Levator Labii Superioria Proprius . 196 Levator Aoguli Oris .... 196 Zjgomatici, Actions .... 196
Inferior Maxillary Region,
Dissection 196
Levator Labii liiferioris . 196
Depressor Labii Inferioris . . . 197 Depressor Anguli Oris .... 197
IntermaxiUary Region,
Dissection 197
Orbicularis Oris 197
Baccinator 198
Risoriua 198
Actions 198
Temporo-Maxillary Region,
Masseter 198
Temporal Fascia 199
Dissection of Temporal Hosde . .199 Temporal 200
Pterygo-Maxillary Region,
Dissection 200
Internal Pterygoid .... 200 External Pterygoid .... 201 Actions 201
Subdivision into Qroups . . 201
Superficial Region,
Dissection 202
Superficial Cervical Fascia . . 202 Flatjsma Mjoides .... 202 Deep Cerviod Fasda .... 203 Stenio-cleido-mastoid .... 204 Boundaries of the Triangles of the Neck 204 Actions 205
If^ra-Byoid Region,
Dissection 206
Stemo-hyoid 205
Stemo-thjrroid, Thyro-hyoid . . 206
Omo-hyoid, Actions .... 207
Supra-Hyoid Region. Dissection . . . 207
Digastric 207
Stylo-hyoid, Mylo-hyoid . . .208
Qenio-hyoid 208
Actions 209
Lingual Region,
Dissection 209
Qemo-hyo-glo89US .... 209 Hyo-glossus, Lingualis . . .210 Stylo-glossus, Paiato-glossos .210 Actions 211
Pharyngeal Region,
Dissection 211
Inferior Constrictor . . . .211 Middle Constrictor, Superior Constrictor 212 Stylo-pharyngeus, Actions . . .212
Palatal Region.
Dissection 213
Levator Palati 213
Tensor Palati, Azygos Uvul» . . 214 Filato-glossua, Palato-pbaryngeus . 214 Actions. Surgical Anatomy . . 215
Vertebral Region^ {Anterior),
Rectus Capitis Anticus Major Hectus Capitis Anticus Minor Bectus Lateralis .... Longus Colli ....
Vertebral Region^ {Lateral),
Scalenus Anticus, Scalenus Medius Scalenus Posticus, Actions .
215 215 216
217 217
Subdivision into Groups . . * 217
Muscles of the Back, Subdivision into Layers . . 217, 218
First Layer.
Dissection 218
Trapezius 218
Ligamentum Nuchas . . . .220 Latissimus Dorsi .... 220
Second Layer,
Dissection 221
Levator Anguli Scapulse . . . 221 Rhomboideus Minor and Major . . 221 Actions 222
Third Layer,
Dissection 222
Serratus Posticus Supjerior and Inferior. 222 Vertebral Aponeurosis . . . 222 Splenius Capitis and Colli . . . 223 Actions 223
Fourth Layer,
Dissection 223
Erector Spina 223
Sacro-lumbalis 225
MusculusAocessorius ad Sacro-lumbalem 225
CervicaUs Ascendens .... 225
LoDgissimus Dorsi .... 225
Transversalis Colli .... 225
Trachelo-mastoid .... 225
Spinalis Dorsi, Spinalis Cerviois . . 226
Complexus 226
Biventer Cervicis .... 226
F\fth Layer,
Dissection 227
Semispinalis Dorsi and Colli . . 227
Multindus Spinas .... 227
Rotatores Spin® .... 227
Supraspinales 227
Interspinales 228
Extensor Coccygis, Intertransversales . 228 Rectus Posticus Major and Minor . 228 Obliquus Superior and Inferior . . 228 Actions 229
Muscles of the Abdomen,
Dissection 229
Obliquus Extemus .... 230 Obliquus Intemus .... 231
Transversalis 233
Lumbar Fascia 233
Rectus 234
Pyramidalis, Quadratus Lumborum . 235 Linea Alba, Lineas Semilimares . . 236 LinesB Transvers® .... 236 Actions . .... 236
Muscles and Fabcim of the Thorax
Intercostal Fasciae .... 237 Intercostales Intemi et Extomi . . 237 Infracostales, Triangularis Stemi . 237 Levatores Costarum .... 238 Actions 238
JHaphroffnuttie Region.
Diaphragm 238
Actions 240
Muscles and Fascia of the Upper extremitt.
Subdivision into Groups . . . 241 Dissection of Pectoral Region and Axilla 242 Fasciae of the Thorax . . .242
Anterior Thoracic Region.
Pectoralis Major 242
Costo-coracoid Membrane . . . 244
Pectoralis Minor 244
Subclavius, Actions .... 245
Lateral Thoracic Region. Serratus Magnus, Actions . . . 247
Acromial Region. Deltoid, Action 247
Anterior Scapular Region. Subscapular Aponeurosis . . . 247 Subscapularis, Actions . . . 248
Posterior Scapular Region. Supra-spinous Aponeurosis . . 248
Supra-spinatus 248
Infra^spinous Aponeurosis . . . 248
Infra-spinatus 249
Teres Minor 249
Teres M%jor, Actions .... 250
Anterior Humeral Region.
Deep Fascia of Arm . . . .250
Coraco-brachialis, Biceps . . . 251
Brachialis Anticus, Actions . . 252
Posterior Humeral Region.
Triceps . 252
Sub-anooneus, Actions . . . 253
Muscles of Fore-arm. Deep Fascia of Fore-arm , . .253
Anterior Brachial Region^ Superficial
Layer. Pronator Radii Teres .... 254 Flexor Carpi Radialis . . . ! 254 Palmaris Lonffus .... 255
Flexor Carpi U Inaris .... 255 Flexor Digitorum Sublimis . . .255
Anterior Brachial Region, Deep Layer, Flexor Profundus Digitorum . . 256 Flexor Longus PoUicis . . .' 257
Pronator Quadratus .... 257 Actions •♦..,. 258
Radial Region Dissection Supinator Lon^s Extensor Carpi Radialis Longior \ Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevier .
258 258 258 259
Posterior Brachial Region, Superficial
Extensor Communis Digitorum . . 260 Extensor Minimi Digit! . . . 260 Extensor Carpi Ulnaris . . . 260 Anconeus 261
Posterior Brachial Region, Deep Layer.
Supinator Brevis .... 261
Extensor Ossis Mctacarpi PoUicis . 261
Extensor Primi Intemodii PoUicis . 261 Extensor Secuudii Intemodii PolUcis . 262
Extensor Indicis 262
Actions 263
Muscles and Fascia of the Hand.
Dissection 263
Anterior Annular Li^ment . . 263 Posterior Annular Ligament . . 263 Pahnar Fascia 264
Muscles of the Hand.
Radial Group 264
Ulnar Group 266
Middle Palmar Group .... 267 Actions 268
Surgical Anatomy of the Muscles of the Upper ^tremity.
Fractures of the Clavicle . . . 268
Acromian Process . 269
Coracoid Process . 269
Humerus . . 269
Ulna . . .271
Olecranon . . 271
Radius . . .271 Muscles and Fascls of the Lower • Extremity.
Subdivision into groups . . . 273
Ilia4i Region.
Dissection 274
Iliac Fascia 274
Psoas Magnus, Psoas Parvus . . 275
lUacus 275
Actions 276
Anterior Femoral Region.
Dissection 276
Fasciae of the Thigh, Superficial Fascia . 276 Deep Fascia (Fascia Lata) . . .277 Saphenous Opening .... 278 Iliac and Pubic Portions of Fascia Lata 278 Tensor Vaginas Femoris, Sartorius .278 Quadriceps Extensor Cruris . . 279
Rectus Femoris, Vastus Extemus . 279 Vastus Intemus and CrureDus . . 280 Sub-crurseus, Actions .... 280
Internal Femoral Region.
Dissection 281
GraciUs 281
Pectineus, Adductor Longus . . 282 Adductor Brevis, Adductor Magnus . 282 Actions 283
Gluteal Region.
Dissection 283
Gluteus Maximus .... 283
Gluteus Medius 284
Gluteus Minimus .... 285
Pyriformis, Obturator Intemus, GemeUi 286
QuadratusFemoris, Obturator Extemus 287 Actions 287
Posterior Femoral Region,
DisBectioQ 288
Biceps, Semitendinosus . . . 288 Semimembranosus, Actions . . 289 Surgical Anatomy of Hamstring Ten- dons 289
Muscles and Fascus of Leg. Dissection of Front of Leg . . . 289 Fascia of the Leg . . . .289
Muscles of the Leg .... 290
Anterior Tilno-Filmlar Region.
Tibialis Anticus 290
Extensor Proprius Pollicis . . . 291 Extensor Longus Digitorum . . 291
Peroneus Tertiusy Actions . . .291
Posterior Tibio-Fibular Region, Superficial
Dissection 292
Gastrocnemius 292
Solcus, Tendo Achillis, Plantaris . \ 293 Actions 293
Posterior TibuhFtbuUr Region, Deep Layer, Deep Fascia of Leg .... 294 Popliteua, Flexor Ix)ngus Pollicis . 294 Flexor Longus Digitorum, Tibialis Pos- ticus 295
Actions 296
Fibular Region.
Peroneus Longus, Peroneus Brevis
Surgical Anatomy of Tendons around Ankle
Muscles and Fascia of Foot. Anterior Annular Ligament Litemal Annular Ligament External Annular Ligament Plantar Fascia
296 297
297 298 298 298
Muscles of the Foot, Dorsal Region. Extensor Brevis Digitorum
Plantar Region.
Subdivision into Groups . . . 299
Subdivision into Layers . . . 299
First Lt^er . . 299
Second Layer . .301
Third Layer . . 302
Interossei 303
Surgical Anatomy of the Muscles of the Lamer Extremity.
Fracture of the Neck of the Femur . 304 the Femur below Trochanter
Minor . . . 304
the Femur above the Con- dyles .... 305 the Patella . . .305
the Tibia . . . .305 the Fibula^with Dislocation of the Tibia . . 306
The Arteries.
General Anatomy.
Subdivision into Pulmonary and Sys- temic Distribution of — Where found . Mode of Division — Anastomoses Capillaries — Structure of Arteries Sheath — Yasa Vasorum
Arek of Aorta ....
Ascending Part of Arch TraztBverse Part of Arch Descending Part of Arch Peculiarities, Surgical Anatomy .
Peculiarities of Branches
CoTomary Arteries
Arteria Innominata.
Pecuharities, Surgical Anatomy
Common Carotid Arteries. Course and Relations . Peculiarities, Sui^cal Anatomy .
External Carotid Artery.
Surgical Anatomy
307 307 307 308 308
310 310 310 311 311 312 313 313
314 314
. 315 317, 318
. 318 . 319 . 319
Superior Thyroid Artery.
Course and Relations . Surgical Anatomy
Lingual Artery. Course and Relations .
Suigical Anatomy , . . .
Facial Artery,
Course and Relations .
Peculiarities ....
Surgical Anatomy
Occipital Artery.
Course and Relations . Branches
Posterior Auricular Artery
Ascending Pharyngeal Artery .
Temporal Artery. Course and Relations . Branches, Surgical Anatomy
Internal Maxillary Artery.
Course, Relations
Peculiarities ....
Branches from First Portion
Second Portion Third Portion
320 320
320 321 321
321 322 323 324
324 324
325 326
326 327 327 328 329
SuBOiCAL Anatomy of the Triangles OF THE Nbck.
Anterior Triangular Space, Inferior Carotid Triangle Superior Carotid Triangle Submaxillary Triangle
Posterior Triangular Space, Occipital Triangle Subclayian Triangle
Internal Carotid Artery, Cervical Portion Petrous Portion Cavernous Portion Cerebral Portion Peculiarities, Surgical Anatomy Branches ....
330 330 331
331 332
332 333 334 334 334 334
Ophthalmic Artery . 334
Cenhral Branches of Internal Carotid 33d
Subclavian Arteries, First Ptot of Right Subclavian Artery . 339 First Part of Left Subclavian Artery . 339 Second Part of Subclavian Artery . 340 Third Ptot of Subclavian Artery . 341
Peculiarities, Surgical Anatomy . 341
Branches 342
Vertebral Artery .... 343 Basilar Artery .... 344 Spinal Branches of Vertebral . 344 Cerebral Branches of Vertebral . 344 Cerebellar Brandies of Vertebral . 344 Circle of Willis . . . .346
Thyroid Axis 345
Supra-scapular Artery . . 345
Transver»dis Colli .... 346 Internal Mammary . 346
Superior Intercostal . . 347
Deep Cervical Artery . . 347
AxUiary Artery,
First Portion 349
Second Portion 350
. 350 . 351 . 351
Third Portion
Peculiarities, Surgical Anatomy
Branches ....
Brachial Artery,
Relations .... Bend of the Elbow Peculiarities of Brachial Artery Sui^cal Anatomy Branches ....
Radial Artery, Relations .... Deep Palmar Arch Peculiarities, Surgical Anatomy Branches ....
Ulnar Artery, Relations . . . . Superficial Palmar Arch Peculiarities of Ulnar Artery Sui^cal Anatomy Branches ....
Desoendxkq Aorta
352 354 354 354 355
357 358 358 358
360 361 361 361 361
Thobaoic Aobta.
Relations Surgical Anatomy Branches
Abdominal Aobia.
Relations .... Surgical Anatomy Branches ....
Coeliac Axis, Gastric Artery
Hepatic Artery, Branches
Splenic Artery
Superior Mesenteric Artery
Inrorior Mesenteric Artery
Supra-renal Arteries
Renal Arteries
Spermatic Arteries
Phrenic Arteries .
Lumbar Arteries .
Middle Sacral Arteiy
363 364 364
366 367 367 367 368 369 370 372 373 373 373 374 374 375
Common Iliac Abterieb.
Course and Relations . PecuUaritiee, Surgical Anatomy .
Internal Hiac Artery,
Course and Relations . Peculiarities, Surgical Anatomy Branches ....
Vesical Arteries
Hsemorrhoidal Arteries .
Uterine and Vaginal Arteries.
Obturator Artery .
Internal Pudic Artery .
Sciatic Artery.
Qluteal, llio-lumbar, and Lateral Sacral Arteries ....
375 376
377 377 378 378 378 378 378 379 381
External Iliac Artery,
Course and Relations . Surgical Anatomy Epigastric Artery Circumflex Iliac Arteiy
Femoral Artery,
Coarse and Relations . Scarpa*s Triangle Peculiarities of Femoral Artery Surgical Anatomy Branches .... Profunda Artery
Popliteal Space
Popliteal Artery,
Course and Relations . Peculiarities, Surgical Anatomy Branches ....
Anterior Tibial Artery,
Course and Relations . Peculiarities, Surgical Anatomy Branches ....
Dorsalis Pedis Artery,
Course and Relations . Peculiarities, Surgical Anatomy . Branches
382 383 383 384
384 384 386 386
387 387
390 390 391
392 393 393
394 394 394
Paderior Tibial Artery.
Course and Relations . Peculiarities, Surgical Anatomy . Branches ....
395 396 396
Peroneal Artery, Course and Relations . Peculiarities
Plantar Arteries
Pulmonary Artery
396 397 397 399
The Veins.
Oeneral Anatomy,
Subdivision into Pulmonary, Systemic,
and Portal 400
Anastomoses of Veins .... 400 Superficial Veins, Deep Veins, or Ven»
Oomites 400
Sinuses, their Structure . . . 400 Structure of Veins .... 401
Coats of Veins 401
Valves of Veins 401
Vessels and Nerves of Veins . . 401
Veins of the Head and Neck.
Facial Vein 402
Temporal Vein 403
Internal Maxillary Vein . . . 403 Temporo-maxillary Vein . . 403
Posterior Auricular Vein, Occipital Vein 404
Veins of the Neek External Jugular Vein . 404
Posterior External Jugular Vein . 404
Anterior Jugular Vein . 404
Internal Jugular Vein . 405
liingual, Pharyngeal, and Thyroid Veins 405
Veins of the DiploS . , . .406
Cerebral Veins, Superficial Cerebral Veins . . 406
Deep Cerebral Veins . . . 407
Cerebellar Veins .... 407
Sinuses of (he Dura Mater,
Superior Lon^tudinal Sinus . . 407 Inferior Longitudinal, Straight^ Lateral,
and Occipital Sinuses . . . 408 Cavernous Sinuses .... 408 Circular, Inferior Petrosal, and Trans- verse Sinuses 409
Superior Petrosal Sinus . . 410
Veins of thb Upper Etiremiti.
Superficial Veins . . .410
Deep Veins 411
Axillary Vein 412
Subclavian Vein 412
Vertebral Vein 412
Innominate Veins . . . .412 Peculiarities of . . . .413
Internal Mammary Vein . . .414 Inferior Thyroid veins . . .414
Superior Intercostal Veins . .414
Superior Vena Cava . T . .414
As^gos Veins 414
Spmal Veins 415
Veinb of the Lower Extremtty.
Internal Saphenous Vein . .417
External Saphenous Vein . . .418
Popliteal Vein 418
Femoral Vein 418
External Iliac Vein .... 419 Internal Iliac Vein . . . .419 Common Iliac Vein .... 419 Inferior Vena Cava .... 420 Peculiarities .... 420 Lumbar and Spermatic Veins . 420
Ovarian, Benal, Supra-renal Veins . 421 Phrenic Veins, Hepatic Veins . .421
Portal Stbtem of Veins.
Inferior and Superior Mesenteric Veins 421 Splenic and Gastric Veins . . 422 Portal Vein 423
Cardiao Veins. Coronary Sinus .
Pulmonary Veins .
. 423
. 424
The Lymphatics.
General Anatomy, Structure o^ where found . . . 425 Subdivision into Deep and Superficial . 425 Coats of lymphatics .... 425 Valves of Lymphatics . . 426
Lymphatic or Conglobate Glands . 426 Structure of Lymphatic Qlands . 426
Thoracic Duct 426
Right Lymphatic Duct . . 428
Lymphatics of Heady Faoe^ and Neck.
Superficial Lymphatic Qlands of Head 428
Lymphatics of Head . 428
of the Face . 428
Deep LymphatioB of the Face . . 428
of the Cranium . 428 Lymphatic Glands of the Neck . . 429 Superficial Cervical Glands . . 429 Deep Cervical Glands . . . 429 Superficial and Deep Cervical Lym- phatics 429
Lymphatics of the Upper Extremity, Superficial Lymphatic Glands . . 430 Deep Lympfaiatic Glands . . . 430
Axillary Glands 430
Superficial Lymphatics of Upper Ex- tremity 431
Deep Lymphatics of Upper Extremity . 432
LympkaticB of the Lower Extremity,
Superficial Inguinal Qlands . . 432 Deep Lymphatic Glands . . . 433 Anterior Tibial Gland . . .433 Deep Popliteal Glands . . . 433 Deep Inguinal Glands . . . 433 Gluteal and Ischiatic Glands . . 433 Superficial Lymphatics of Lower Ex- tremity 433
Internal Group .... 433
External Group .... 433
Deep Lymphatics of Lower Extremity . 433
LymphcUice of Pelvis and Abdomen,
Deep Lymphatic Glands of Pelvis . 434 External Iliac Glands . . . 434 Internal Iliac Glands . . . 434 Sacral Glands .... 435 Lumbar Glands .... 435 Lymphatics of Pelvis and Abdomen . 435 Superficial Lymphatics of WuU of Ab- domen . . 435 of Gluteal Region . . 435 of Scrotum and Perinasum 435 of Penis . , . 435 of Labia, N^phas, and
Clitoris . . 435 Deep Lymphatics of Pelvis and Ab- domen 435
Lymphatics of Bladder . . . 435 of Rectum . . 435
of Uterus . . .435
of Testicle . . .436
Lymphatics of Kidney |
PAOS . 436 |
of Liver |
. 436 |
Lymphatic Glands of Stomach |
. 436 |
Lymphatics of Stomach |
. 436 |
Lymphatic Glands of Spleen |
. 437 |
Lymphatics of Spleen |
. 437 |
LymphcUic System of the Intestines,
Lymphatic Glands of Small Intestines
(Mesenteric Glands) . . . 437
Lymphatic Glands of Lai^ge Intestine . 437
Lymphatics of Smalllntestine(LactealB) 437
of Great Intestine . . 437
Lymphatics of Thorax,
Deep Lymphatic Glands of Thorax
Intercostal Glands
Internal Mammary Glands .
Anterior Mediastinal Glands
Posterior Mediastinal Glands Superficial Lymphatics on Front
Thorax .... Deep Lymphatics of Thorax Intercostal Lymphatics Internal Mammary Lymphatics Lymphatics of Diaphragm Bronchial Glands Lymphatics of Lung Cardiac Lymphatics Thymic Lymphatics Thyroid Lymphatics Lymphatics of (Esophagus
437 437 437 437 437
437 437 437 438 438 438 438 438 438 438 438
General Anatomy,
Subdivision into Cerebro-spinal Axis, Ganglia, and Nerves . . . 439
Nervous System,
The Brain and its Membrafies, Membranes of the Brain
Cerebro-Spinal Axis,
Grey Substance White Substance Chemical Composition
Oanglia, Where found. Structure
439 439 439
. 447
Subdivision into Afferent, Efferent^ and
Excito-motorv .... 440
Cerebro-spinal Nerves . . . 440
Sympathetic Nerve .... 442
The Spinal Cord and its Membranes,
Dissection 442
Membranes of the Cord . . . 442
Dura Mater 443
Arachnoid . . ' . . . 443
Pia Mater 444
Ligamentum Denticulatum . . 444
Spinal Cord 445
Fissures of Cord .... 445 Columns of Cord .... 446 Grev Matter of Cord . . . 446 Mode of An:angement of Grey and
White Matter . . . .446 White Matter of Cord . . .447
Ihtra Mater,
Structure ....
Arteries, Veins, Nerves
Glandulse Paccbioni
Processes of the Dura Mater Falx Cerebri Tentorium Cerebelli Falx Cerebelli
Arachnoid Membrane,
Sub-arachnoid Space . CerebroHspinal Fluid .
Pia Mater
448 448 448 448 448 448 449
449 449
Thb Brain.
Subdivision into Cerebrum, Cerebellum,
Pons Varolii, Medulla Oblongata . 450 Weight of Brain .... 450
Medulla Oblonqata.
Anterior Pyramids . . . .451
Lateral Tract, and Olivary Body . 452
Restiform Bodies .... 452
Posterior Pyramids .... 452
Posterior Surfieice of Medulla Oblongata 452
Structure of Medulla Oblongata . . 452
of Anterior Pyramid . . 452
of Lateral Tract . . 453
of Olivary Body . . 453
of Restiform Body . . 453
Septum of Medulla Oblongata . . 454
Grey Matter of Medulla Oblongata . 454
Pons Varoih. Stnicture .... TraosTeree Fibres Longitudinal Fibres Septum ....
Ul^)er Surfiiuje of Cerebrum .
CoDTolutions and Sulci
Base of the Brain
General Arrangement of the
composing the Cerebrum Interior of the Cerebrum .
Corpus Callosum .
Lateral Ventricles . Boundaries of, and Parts forming the Lateral Ventricles .
Septum Lucidum
Velum Literpositum
Thalami Optici
Third Ventricle . Anterior, Middle, and Posterior
missures Grey Matter of Third Ventricle Pineal Gland Corpora Quadrigemina Valve of Vieussens Corpora Geniculata Structure of Cerebrum
1. LHyerging or Peduncular Fibres
2. Transverse Commissural Fibres
. 454 . 454 . 455 . 455
455 455 467
460 460 461 463
463 465 466 466 467 468
468 468 468 469 469 469 469 470 470
3. Longitudinal Commissural Fibres. 470
Its Position, Size, Weight, etc. Cerebellum, Upper Surface Under Sur&ce Lobes of the Cerebellum Fourth Ventricle .... Boundaries of Ventricle Linine Membrane, Choroid Plexus of Grey Matter of . Structure of the Cerebellum
Its fiaminae ....
Corpus Dentatum . Peduncles of Cerebellum
Cranial Nerves.
Subdivision into Groups Nerves of Special Sense
of Motion Compound Nerves
Nerves of Special Seme.
Olfectory Nerve . . . .
Optic Nerve . . . ,